Business Support - new, start up & growth
Martin is a graduate of City University Business School, London (now CASS Business School). Since graduating in 1980, he has worked in many countries around the world in IT Sales, Strategy, Marketing, Finance and related areas.
The focus of Silver Foxes during 2021 and beyond is the development and support for new business start ups.
The Covid pandemic has had a catastrophic effect on many industries including hospitality, retail and travel just to name a few. On top of that, thousands of young people are leaving education, both at University and School level to find themselves with no prospects in the traditional job market.
A positive consequence of this, is that many of the people who have lost their jobs and those entering the job market from education are turning to starting their own business. However in today's environment there is very little practical support for these new entrepreneurs.
Since 1996 Martin has been running courses in Starting Up in Business and started his consultancy career supporting business start ups. Over the last five years concentration has been on Digital Marketing - however due to current events he is now reverting back to support of New Business Startups.
Expertise and experience in this area include Business Plan Development, Raising Finance, Procurement Support and many other practical activities. However the real benefit to these entrepreneurs is a strategic framework to help them develop at a rate in in a manner that allows for solid maintained business growth.
What am I looking for out of the BoB clubs?
Any business in any part of the UK that can provide practical support to these new businesses - graphic designers, printers, accountants, solicitors, digital marketeers, importers, exporters and many more depending on the business being supported.
I started supporting New Business Start Ups in 1996. I developed the fist programme in London for new businesses through City University of London. This programme has been running twice a week through term times since that point with over the last 24 years. Over 1500 people have been through the programme - with over 10% successfully launching a new business.
For an operational point of view I have assisted in raising finance for Start-|Ups through Governement Support Schemes, Business Angels and more lately through Crowd Funding.
I have developed production projects using facilities in the Far East and am currently importing wine to promote the Calabria region of Italy.
Through Silver Foxes Digital Marketing we currently support 35 companies with their day to day marketing presence.
My background is Finance, Marketing & Sales - I started as an accountant but very quickly moved into marketing and sales. As well as the UK - I have held senior management roles in America, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines and Singapore.
Silver Foxes Digital will continue in the background - but my concentration through BOB for the future is the support of Start-Ups - I am looking forward to working with a wider virtual BOB network to develop this support offering.