I specialise in the following areas of law:
Litigation: Helping my clients where there is a dispute that needs resolution. Could be a contract that's gone south, an unreasonable behaviour from one party to an agreement or just straightforward debt collection. My approach is always to reach a negotiated agreement where possible; recourse to the courts is my last resort.
Employment: The issue of settlement agreements is an area of law which always comes to a head when there are generally already areas of conflict between the parties. An independent and level headed approach is essential to reach an agreement which works for all. I have advised both employers and employees.
Family Law: Divorcing or separating couples, whether formally married or not, can find it very difficult to make sensible and fair arrangements for their separate futures, particularly when children are involved. I have long experience of bringing some calm reflection to proceedings so that a lasting and reasonable settlement can be reached.
I qualified as a solicitor in June 2007 and have built a healthy roster of clients with whom I have long-term relationships.
I pride myself on providing cost effective legal advice whilst maintaining an open and empathetic approach to my clients.
If you require any legal advice, please get in touch.
James has done a fantastic job sorting out a previously long outstanding legal problem which has enabled us to proceed with our re-mortgage as arranged through Michelle Doherty